Moving Your Business To A New Building? 3 Tips To Move Your Data Center

If you are moving your business to a new building one thing you must consider is moving the data center. This is important because if you do not move things properly you will have problems when setting up the data center at your new location. To help you get started, below are three tips so you can keep your business running.

Create An Inventory List

Before you start anything, create a complete inventory list for all equipment in the data center no matter how small the equipment is. You can then check off the items on the inventory list as they arrive at the new location. This will ensure everything gets moved so you can set the data center back up with no missing pieces.

While doing the inventory list this is a good time to make note of things like if a server, computer, etc. should be updated or replaced if they are old. You can hire a company to audit your data center for you to do all this.

Once you create an inventory list ask someone else to look over the list to make sure you include everything. This will take time but will be well worth it.

Ensure New Location is Proper

You need to visit the new location and check power capacity. You want to ensure there is enough power capacity to accommodate all your servers and other hardware. To help with this, hire an electrician. They can check how much power the data center uses at your current location and then ensure the new location can handle this amount of power.

You also must consider the temperature in the new location. The ideal temperature range for a data center is between 68 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit. Companies have been known to run their data centers at 80 degrees with no problems to help save energy, however. If a data center room is too hot, your equipment could overheat and if the temperature is too low, such as approximately under 50 degrees, your equipment would not run well.

Monitor Migration and Equipment

Another important thing is to monitor your migration and equipment. For example, it may be important that your equipment is powered back up in a certain order. If you start an application that requires something that has not been powered up, this will cause problems.

The servers should be powered up before anything else and in the right order. You can then get started on setting everything else up, such as routers, printers, computers, and much more. Doing things in the right order will save you a lot of time and prevent a lot of problems from happening.

You should hire a company that is experienced in doing data center moves for you. This will save you a lot of time and help you get set back up quicker. 
